• A trip to the Old Town in Warsaw
        • A trip to the Old Town in Warsaw

        • 11.06.2024 22:38
        • On our last trip me and my class went to the museum of illusion in the Old Town in Warsaw and we saw a lot of exhibits.
          There were a whirling tunnel, funny paintings with the things in them turning after you and a lot of other amazing things.
          We ate delicious food at McDonalds and after  that went to the Royal Castle in Warsaw.
          In the museum of the Royal Castle we saw a lot of famous paintings, big decorated rooms, old guns, swords and sculptures.
          The museum staff  gave us headphones and we heard something about the history of these exhibits.
          In some rooms there were coffee cups. They looked like you can drink coffee from them. We were doing selfies in big mirrors, too. The trip was real fun!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bartek 6b 

        • więcej
        •  Last Christmas ...
        • Last Christmas ...

        • 11.06.2024 22:39

        • My school Christmas party this year went very well. Each of my classmates brought something to eat or drink. A few people brought drinks, another few - cookies, salty sticks, chips, cakes and other snacks. On the day of Christmas party we ordered pizzas - we ordered 6 of them so that there would be enough for everyone. We wished each other best wishes and we shared the Opłatek. There was a nice and friendly atmosphere. We took some pictures together with our teacher. We all had a great time talking to each other and laughing. It was the best and the last Christmas party in primary school :)!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hania 8a 

        • więcej